NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement
Revenue Accounting and Calculation of the Salary Cap
Section 6(c)(iv)(A)(3)Calculation of the Player Cost Amount and Salary Cap
“Average Annual Value” (“AAV”): The Average Annual Value for the New Media Contracts is determined by dividing the total League Media AR from those contracts (using the definitions and method described in Subsection (2) above) by the number of seasons covered by those contracts. Average Annual Value will be recalculated upon any negotiation or renegotiation of a New Media Contract during the term of this Agreement. In the event that a New Media Contract (in whole or in part) covers a partial season, the revenue for such season for purposes of the new AAV calculation shall be determined based on a full-year equivalent value. In the event that there are New Media Contracts of different lengths, the AAV of the New Media Contracts as a whole shall be determined by calculating the AAV of each component contract over the term of that contract and summing the total.